My Hopefully Grown-Up Christmas List

A certain chill in the air… Fancy red-and-green ornaments being set in the streets… The sudden familiar feeling of nostalgia and joviality… Before you know it, it’s Christmas season once again! Enter: frantic searches for “the perfect gift”; leftover fruitcakes from last year waiting to be dissolved; and pounds, pounds, and more pounds to inhabit unwanted (but very unavoidable) in your storage space. Yup, Christmas. That time of the year.

I’d like to call December 25 my favorite holiday, because of the simplicity of celebrating it (on the day itself, shopping factor not included): the midnight mass, a little feast, opening the gifts at sunrise, and spending mostly quiet moments. January 1 doesn’t quite faze me with the fireworks and the revelry (although I tend to sleep way past my bedtime).

And one thing that sets the two holidays apart is the “examination of self” element. What do I mean by this? Christmas means HOPE, so you get to do the “wishing”. New Year means RENEWAL, so you get to do the “promises”. And who doesn’t agree with me that making Christmas wish lists are much, much better than generating the super-recycled New Year’s resolutions? J

This brings us to the topic of discussion. I got the idea of writing this article from one of my favorite seasonal songs, “Grown-Up Christmas List”. The song isn’t like the juvenile harmonies of “Jingle Bells” or “Here Comes Santa Claus”, but more of a sincere and thoughtful melody that reaches out to mankind. The song is so heartfelt it made me teary-eyed the first time I heard it! “Grown-up Christmas List” will be a fitting reflection to the times, speaking of peace, love and selflessness which we desperately need.

In lieu with this, I’ve decided to make my very own Christmas list, however random, weird and thought-provoking my wishes might be. Read on!

The Ultimate Xmas List

In General
That good governance will really come to effect from the President, to the military, to the politicians and all the way down. We’ve heard too much bad news (not that we’re not expecting), it’s just that they all should truly take seriously their call of public service.

That money will grow on trees… Seriously, I wish our economy will be stronger and that the country will manage to survive all the crises it has been battered and beaten at.

(in relation) That we won’t have to worry about spending on necessities because ALL of us are able to afford it.

That someday, we will have leaders with noble intentions for the prosperity of the nation and its constituents.

That no annoying novelty song will spread around the season and next year, and become the nation’s new LSS (last song syndrome). Enough of numbers, flowers and hotdogs!

That the Philippine entertainment industry will utilize its creativity and stop copying from foreign shows and movies, much more copying from one another. More than half of what we see nowadays is ‘cloned’ and it’s pathetic.

That all of us will learn something from the War in Iraq: War is NEVER good, and it should never happen again (not without justification).

That people will find the real beauty in themselves and put the botox, liposuction, plastic surgery and industries of their ilk out of business.

That life would be much simpler and less hectic. Because less is more.

That young people like me will become more informed of the issues & events and be worldly. We will all be participating in shaping the world, and that’s sooner than you think!

That we will always believe in the Lord. It seems that we’re living in a godless society already, with crimes and evils sprouting left and right. Keep the faith!

That divisions will be healed and gaps be bridged. Christmases doesn’t mean ‘temporary pleasantries’, but a stepping stone for spreading the love all year round!

And as for me…
That iPods will fall down like manna from heaven, that I will have an unlimited internet connection and an endless vacation! Joy to the world!!!

Though I’m sure my last wish would take zilch years to happen, I do hope you enjoyed reading the rest of it. Consider making your own Christmas lists too - I bet it’ll take you a day!

Post-US Election trivia
Strange, but did you know that John Kerry and George W. Bush are RELATED?!?! In the farthest degree, Dubya is John’s 9th cousin from the maternal side. Well, just so you know… (Ugh!)


Note: This article appeared in The Judenites, Sept-Dec 2004 issue.
(as Associate Editor, “Relativity”)

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